Friday, March 12, 2010

Inequities Like A Motherfucker


*$* For every dollar of wealth owned by the typical white family, the typical family of color owns only 16 cents. And for single women of color, the wealth gap is far wider.

*$* Nearly half of all single black and Hispanic women have zero or negative wealth, meaning their debts exceed all their assets. The median wealth for single black women is only $100; for single Hispanic women, $120. This compares to just over $41,000 for single white women. About a third of single Hispanic women and one-fourth of single black women have no checking or savings account.

*$* Today there are more African Americans under correctional control, whether in prison or jail, on probation or on parole, than there were enslaved in 1850. And more African American men are disenfranchised now because of felon disenfranchisement laws than in 1870

THE EDITORIAL: unrealisticly flowery speeches about sticking together & bootstrap economics fall on deaf ears in the face of the myriad of legal discriminatory practices employed by nearly all u.s. institutions. in an age where employees are subjected to credit checks for lower-middle class jobs the people must advocate for themselves.
in the episode of democracy now below amy goodman & juan gonzalez dive deep into the ever widening wealth gap in the u.s. & discuss the symptoms & solutions with Mariko Lin Chang, chief author of the study “Lifting as We Climb: Women of Color, Wealth and America’s Future”, C. Nicole Mason, Executive Director of the Women of Color Policy Network at the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service @ NYU, & Michelle Alexander, author of the new book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.
dig what these sisters have to say about what is essentially 21st jim crowism & check out the full study to digest all of the other facts & figures @ Insight Center for Community Economic Development

i even took the time to embed the videos into smaller chunks for all you cyber wisdom seekers on the go

& here's a lil somethin' about what happened to ACORN one of the unfortunately few organizations that work to end poverty in a real way

remember if money is the root, then poverty is the handmaid of oppression. the modern caste/class systems must end if anyone wants even an illusion of security & freedom.

fight back

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